The Cycling Community (Fietscommunity) is the platform with accompanying website for anyone who wants to contribute to the further development of cycling and other forms of active mobility through scientific research (of whatever form). The Cycling Community is not an organization but offers a knowledge base and platform for scientists, designers and publicists. As such, the Cycling Community is part of and complementary to all existing institutions in the Netherlands that are involved in cycling and walking, such as the Dutch Cycling Embassy and the Dutch Fietsersbond.

The Cycling Community was founded in 2013 and has been working under the auspices of Platform31 (2013-2021) and Dutch Cycling Embassy since 2022.

Are you interested in the Cycling Community, do you want to contribute, or do you need information? Please, contact the secretariat.
Rob van der Bijl +316 5108 3910

Cycling Community Blogs

A brief selection of English blogs of the Cycling Community:

Trouble in (Cycling) Paradise: Debunking Moped Stereotypes

Tax and cycling

Congestion on the cycling path?

Fair distribution of road space?

Three views on safety and cycling

Seeing traffic differently

What is cycling experience?

Six statements about electrically assisted cycling

Make America cycle again

Cycling Community Highlights

A brief selection of English pages of the Cycling Community:

Knowledge cafe cycling and science: the best from the Cycling Research Board

Bicycle Challenges

Smart Cycling Futures

Bicycle-train combination Research

DCE Celebrates Ten-Year Anniversary

Best Practices Dutch Cycling

Two cycling cities

Three views on safety and cycling

The cycling fallacy …

Bicycle lessons and empowerment

Bicycle-Train combination

International City Cycling Assessment